Saturday, February 8, 2014

One of the Most Popular Sites These Days

It is called Imgur (pronounced "imager") at True to the name, Imgur is where more than 120 million unique users are now posing and searching images and animated GIFs to have fun and even learn something new as well.  Just look at this recent post:
Tumblr: solving one grammar mystery at a time
Images on the Imgur site all come with a caption, and viewers make comments on them. But self-expression aside, I'd say that this is yet another treasure trove for us ESL teachers as it makes it easy to enliven a lesson. You can easily browse for and copy an image to teach a grammar point or to start a class conversation. Take the following image for example. Not only is it cute, but I can see how easily a picture like this lends itself to practicing English with my students. For instance, I could use this image to elicit responses with simple present tense, simple past tense, present progressive tense, complex sentences, etc. etc.

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