Saturday, February 1, 2014

Good News for Busy ESL Students

For some students, it isn't the demanding assignments or their concurrent employment or even the fear that grades would fall from C's to D's that frays their nerves. It is all of them combined. Now, I've got some really good news for them. These students can now take advantage of the new Saturday hours of the ESL Tutoring Center in A-13. Effective 2/8, the ESL Tutoring Center will join the S. T. A. R. Center (i. e. the tutoring operation in the library) and the Math Center on campus in offering Saturday hours: 9 am to noon.

If our students, whether they are struggling or not, have the passion for their success, the ESL tutors have the passion for helping them. So, please talk up the new Saturday hours as well as all the other hours and services offered by the ESL Tutoring in your classes. Better yet, strongly encourage your students to attend the Friday Study Hall, sign up for the weekly ELF (English Learners' Friday) workshops, and sit down with an ESL tutor for individual assistance. Since students don't do "optionals," you might want to offer incentives such as extra points or extra credit or otherwise require them to seek tutorial assistance for the sake of their academic success.

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