Saturday, February 2, 2013

Check Out These Online Resources

Karen, who is leaving for a full-time job at Glendale Community College, wanted to share this list of 8 online resources that she put together for her students several semesters ago. The list includes games, grammar activities, vocabulary work, interactive lessons based on breaking news, movie notes, etc. Thanks, Karen! I know this will come in handy, especially the grammar link because our ESL software Focus on Grammar is no longer working in the labs that have 64-bit computers.


Karen said...

I really like to teach students how to use that "WordReference" link as a translation tool. It's better than just googling a word, because they might get unreliable sources (such as Urban Dictionary) and it includes forum discussions of common usages in a range of dialects.

Lee said...

My first reaction upon clicking link was "oh, oh, translation..." Your thoughtful explanation prompted me to take another, detailed look. I like the example sentences and, of course, the discussion forums.

Thanks again.


Jennifer Luz said...

Very helpful blog.very impressive and its really helps to develop esl speaking.