Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Opportunity Knocks

Rushing to a class at CSUSM to give a final exam last week, I was a bit irritated to find a whole row of spaces blocked off in my favorite parking lot. I had a ton of end-of-the-semester stuff to carry to class and I wasn't looking forward to making a long hike an even longer trek by not being able to park there.

Sizing up the situation, I realized it hadn't been blocked off by a construction crew for some hard hat required repairs or some new building that seems to be going on everywhere, but rather the row of about 15 spots had been cordoned off by the gardeners who apparently hadn't wanted to blow leaves and debris onto the vehicles that would normally have been parked there.

Not easily thwarted and running out of time, I decided to ask when they might be finished. So, I parallel parked next to the roped off area - pretty much in the middle of the street - and was about to turn off the engine when one of the fellows approached me, waving me away with a "shoo shoo" like gesture. I rolled down my window and started to ask my question, but he stopped me short with his own inquiry, "Do you remember me?" And while his face actually did look familiar, I couldn't put a name with it, so I just said, "No." He went on, "You were my teacher at Palomar." And he told me his name.

A neat conversation ensued. I asked him if he were still going to school. And he said no. And I asked why. And he said he had a lot of work. And I said, but English is important. He agreed and told me he'd been thinking about coming back. Thinking of the time then, I remembered by current dilemma and told him my situation and he said they'd be finished in about 10 minutes if I wanted to wait. Gone the opportunity to breathe a bit before giving my final, but better that loss than the loss of the fairly close place to park.

He waved and went back to his noise deafening machine. And I pulled around the lot a bit, so that I was no longer blocking traffic. And then I remembered our flyers. I reached in the back seat, barely able to grab the blue bag with all my Palomar stuff in it and found a stack of little green squares. I got one, left the car running and walked back to where he was now busy at work. He looked at me quizzically and turned off the blower. I handed him the little bi-lingual note. Then he smiled. I hope he comes back.

Talk about opportunity knocking. Opportunities to encourage folks are out there everywhere, so I'd like to encourage you to think about what you can do this week to encourage someone to come to school.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Good for you, Sharon. You're most resourceful when it comes to these outreach efforts.
