Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Solve a Problem

Say, you didn't remember your Palomar ID number or password (or you didn't remember your 5-digit number for your spring class), but you did want to see how healthy your class enrollment is in a hurry.  Well, ESL tutor Mike has found a "secret" way to do just that. Here are the steps:
  1. Surf over to Palomar's main page and click on "View Schedule."
  2. Click on "Spring" on the next screen.
  3. Click on "Class Search" on the next screen. 
  4. On the next screen, enter all your search info. (Notice I used non-credit ESL 304 in San Marcos as an example.) Then, click on the "Search" button. 

  5. The next screen should show all the sections for the class you have specified. Locate the class number to click next. (Notice the screenshot below only shows the first of the 4 NESL 304 sections in San Marcos.)
  6. After you click on the class number, you will see the enrollment number. (In the screenshot below, Nimoli's NESL 304 class has had 37 students enrolled as of today! What a relief!) 
  7. If you go back to click on the "Textbook Info" tab, you will be connected to a bookstore's page that lists all the details of your textbooks.

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