Monday, December 3, 2012

Gun Violence in America

America is not in war, and yet not a single day passes without us hearing the news of somewhere someone has died from gun shots. Who knows how many more dreams the raging gun violence in America will continue to destroy? Unless we - the people, along with elected officials and household celebrities - all stand together, discuss the issue, and demand changes. Toward that end, I wanted to share an email from Mayors Against Illegal Guns that I received today:

Last night on Sunday Night Football, NBC sportscaster Bob Costas spoke up about the epidemic of gun violence in America.

He was addressing an incident from earlier last weekend, when Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher took his own life at Arrowhead Stadium after shooting and killing the mother of their three-month-old baby.

It’s a tragedy. And when so many gun murders go unnoticed by our media and ignored by our leaders in Washington, it’s important to recognize public figures like Costas who have the courage to tell it like it is.

Will you send a note to Bob Costas thanking him for having the guts to stand up? We’ll make sure he gets it.

Make no mistake – Bob Costas will also hear from those who believe that discussions of gun violence have no place in our public discourse.

The truth is that common-sense reform of our gun laws, like background checks, would save many lives. And working together, we’ll get there. But first, we need Washington and the media to recognize the problem, and to participate in a national conversation about our gun laws – one that President Obama called for in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona.

Help us make sure Mr. Costas hears from people who believe we have a responsibility to end the violence that takes the lives of 34 Americans each and every day.

Let’s support Costas for having the courage of his convictions. Send him a message right now.

Thanks for sending a message,
Mayors Against Illegal Guns

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