Thursday, October 25, 2012

Teaching Tolerance Blog Post

I really appreciated this blog post in "Teaching Tolerance" on "Seeing Through the Privileged Haze" (click the title for a link to the post). I think the inverse of this instructor's experience is also true. Several of our students come from fairly comfortable economic backgrounds and even have higher education degrees in their native countries. It's important to remember that they bring extremely diverse experiences to our classrooms. I like the way the instructor modified her assignment to remove the assumption of a "bedroom," but to still allow for students to share their stories about a "special room."

1 comment:

Lee said...

Thank you so much for sharing this gem, Karen! This instructor is teaching US middle schoolers, but we have in our ESL classrooms a more diverse student body of adult and young adult immigrants. So we've got to have greater empathy for our learners.
