Since December of 2013, the faculty in the San Marcos Evening Program have volunteered to organize an ESL Recognition Night event on the last day of each regular semester. The students who "graduate" from our noncredit program, student peer mentors, and other model students receive their well-earned recognition at each event. Student representatives give speeches and talents perform. A different former ESL student who has become a professional gives a motivational speech as a special invited guest. A level 3 class has always produced a video on a particular theme and shown it during the event. Friends and family are all invited to share in the celebration of the students' learning success. A lack of resources has not dampened the spirit behind this event. The faculty have raised community donations and all the classes have contributed to the potluck-style celebrations.
Two years later, however, a dream has come true for this team of hard-working and caring faculty. Palomar's Student Success and Equity Council (SSEC) on Friday approved of a funding request to support the ESL Recognition Night event not just for this semester, but for spring 2016, and possibly beyond. Led by the newly installed director of student success and equity, Olga Diaz,
Olga Diaz, who is also an Escondido City Council member |
the council saw the request met the criteria for equity funds. Several council members even expressed a desire to attend the event themselves. This support means that the faculty and students do not have to pursue expensive and time-intensive donation campaigns for food and drinks. This support also has tremendous potential for increasing ESL visibility, integrating evening ESL students into campus life, and contributing to their success and retention rates. All in all, it is just so wonderful to know that the faculty will have enough money to make the ESL Recognition a great event next month and an even better event next May!
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